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Green Tea Fertilizer

Green Tea Fertilizer

These fresh leaves help in improving the overall plant’s growth, health and vigor by working as a base and fertilizer. When applying tea leaves used for improve and development of plant growth, mix loose tea leaves directly into the plant soil  or spreading tea leaves around the top soil, like a mulch.

The green tea leaves used to promote soil to turn into healthy soil. As well as protecting the leaves or plains, the soil structure and soil can be put to keep healthy. Fresh leaves will act as base and fertilizer. Along with that, it will help to improve the plant’s growth completely.

Preparation method of green tea: –

Take a big bucket with a lid and combine the comfrey, borage, stinging nettles, lucerne hay, grass clippings together. Then mixed 1 parts of  green matter and 10 parts water. Cover the mixture with the lid. Unless it becomes completely gray or yellowish colour usually it is ready to be used within a few weeks. Keep adding more water until it no longer turns brown or yellowish colour. As you use liquid. It is very good to mix the remaining sludge in the manure pile or put it directly into your garden like a bed.

Use: –

1. Instead of throwing used coffee grounds, tea bags and loose tea leaves grounds, consider using them in the garden and landscape of your home plants.

2.Tea grounds act as a fertilizer.

3. Help to improve the plant’s growth, overall health and vigor.

Benefit: –

Green tea is a hot beverage for humans, which also gives benefits to plants

1. Soil Enrichment –

When green tea is added to soil, it contributes to the overall health of the plant.

2. Use for composting-

Green tea bags, tea bags or loose tea can go directly into the compost pile.

3. Use for food.

Poonam Singh

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