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Pesticides is a substance that interrupts or kills organisms. Which we present as pests, harmful insects, or micro bacteria, which cause disease. Natural insecticides are such insecticides, which are usually made by other organisms to protect themselves, which are obtained from natural sources such as minerals or plants.


Most people believe that natural insecticides are always safer and more ecologically friendly than human-made pesticides, and this is mostly true, but this is not always the case. For example, nicotine is a natural insecticide found in tobacco leaves, and cigarette smoke contains highly addictive components. But in reality, most modern synthetic pesticides are more poisonous than them. If you claim that “natural = secure” then there is little doubt, because some natural insecticides are highly toxic.

Actually natural pesticides are more secure and more environmentally friendly than conventional pesticides. Since they are also very effective natural insecticides, most home and garden pests should be your first choice for control.

Pesticides come in various forms. While most people connect the term insecticide to those chemicals, which are sprinkled or dusted on food crops.

There are many types of pesticides available. 

1. Fungicide – Designed to eliminate or control the fungus. Plants can also be made to present specific forms of harmful fungus.

2. Herbicide- Designed to eliminate or reduce the presence of aggressive plant species and weeds.

3.  Pesticides – Focus on pressing, hitting, fooling, eating one or more types of insects or stopping nuisance.

4. Bactericidal- Designed to prevent the spread of one or more types of bacteria.

5. Bats- This product is designed to catch or kill large insects which are found in rabbits and dogs.

6. Repellents- Instead of eliminating or subtracting their number, insects have been created to reverse.

7. Rodentides- The chemical is used to control the rodent.

8. Luures- To make the chemists attractive for pests or to entice them with the ultimate intention to kill pesticides.

Benefits of natural pesticides:

1. Eco-friendly, safe for user / applicant and very effective when used correctly.

Disadvantages of natural pesticides:

1. Small residual activity (some users consider it a benefit) can be more expensive than traditional conventional pesticides.

2. To a lesser extent it can be insect-specific. Especially when compared to new synthetic pesticides.

Poonam Singh



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