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Tobacco Dust fertilizer-used as pesticide

Tobacco Dust fertilizer-used as pesticide

Tobacco dust fertilizers contain high organic compounds, which improves the soil chemical structure by improving Ions structure, electrical conductivity and nutrient levels. Apart from this refining the water intake capacity, water retention capacity and improves the soil physically.

The tobacco dust fertilizers reduces the soil bulk density while its increases the organic carbon content (OC), soil holes and infiltration of the soil has stated that the carbon provision of the carbon (C) through the amendments such as tobacco dust leads to the facility of the energy sources to the microorganisms in the soil and make them energetic in the soil that cause of the aeration source /oxygen distribution into the soil.

Uses of Tobacco Dust Powder :-

1. In fertilizer

2. In lawn

3. In Pesticide

Necessary ingredients:-

1. Dry Tobacco Leaves (Cigarette Buds)

2. Mild liquid soap

3. Bowl or bucket

4. Strainer or cheesecloth

5. Container with lid

6. Spray Bottle

Preparation method:-

1. Put 1 cup of tobacco leaves (cigarette buds) in 1 gallon hot water.

2. Add 10 drops mixed light liquid soap. Soap helps homemade spray adhere to plants.

3. Steep the solution for at least 30 minutes.

4. Pour the solution through a mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a bucket or bin with a lid. Keep the mixture on hand for up to a month.

5. Put the mixture in some quantity in the spray bottle.

6. Spray the bottom part of leaves on affected plants. Cover the leaves thoroughly with the spray solution.

7. Spray the lower part of the plant’s stem and the surrounding soil. For large-scale plantings, pour the solution from the bucket onto the soil.

8. Refill spray bottle as needed for foliar applications, or pour the solution from the bucket onto areas with severe ground pest infestations.

Uses: –

Nicotine spray are a traditional treatment for many types of pests, including whiteflies, gants, root and leaf aphids, thrips and lefaminers. While commercial nicotine sprays are so powerful that they can kill many beneficial insects as plant predators, homemade “tobacco juice” is short-lived and much milder. Used sparingly, it may be an important member in your arsenal of natural pest control.

Benefit: –

Potassium and phosphorus, which can provide essential nutrients to the soil and plant. The local data of the Department of Agriculture (DA) also showed that when tobacco dust is mixed with organic compost, then its nitrogen content has a positive effect on vegetable and home-grown plants.


1. If using tobacco juices on edible plants, restrict your spray schedule to early growth, and apply it several weeks before expected harvest. Nicotine can stay in the plant’s system for many weeks.

2. Tomatoes, chilli and eggplants, which are in the same nightshade family as tobacco, are susceptible to tobacco mosaic disease. Check your nursery information to see if  your nursery  plants are bred to be resistant to the disease. If you are not sure, then skip the tobacco juice treatment for these plants.

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