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Dashparni Ark-Natural insecticides for insects and worm

Dashparni Ark-Natural insecticides for insects and worm

The word Dashparni Ark contains two different words: ‘Dasha’ means ‘ten’ and ‘parana’ means the plant or tree leaf. ‘Extracts’ means to remove the juice. It is a natural pesticide, which can be used on any crop and vegetable plants or fruit trees. Due to the high amount of urea in Dashparni Ark,  worm and insects do not attack crops, plants and buds. Due to nectar and aroma, Worm and insects are attracted to plants, they are away from plants due to the scorching and bad odour of Dashparni Ark, and by which plants can be protected.

This mixture can be made easily by the farmers at home.

Required materials for Dashparni Ark:

1. Extracts, Nirguna, Gudhal, Kaner, Neem, Ghanari, Sitaf, Arand, Papaya leaves 2 kg.

2. Cow dung 3-4 kg

3. Cow urine 2-3 litres.

4. Water 200 litres.

Preparation method:

Step 1:

ake 200 litres of water in a tank and then put 2 kg leaves of ten types of plants in the equal amount. After this, add 5 litres cow urine and 5 kg cow dung to the submerged leaves and mix this mixture well.

Step 2:

Leave the prepared mixture for 5 days. Put 5-7 litres water in the mixture on 6th day and mix all the ingredients in the tank well.

 Step 3:

Leave this mixture for 1 month. When the time is over, filter out this mixture and use it.

Preparation time:

1 month


4 month.


Insecticide can be applied as a foliar-spray.

Pay attention:

1. Mix 125 ml insecticides with 10 litres water.

2. Use 2.5 litres of pesticide with 200 litres of water for one hectare.

Poonam Singh


Dashparni Ark-For Fungus and Bacterial Disease

Dashparni Ark-For Fungus and Bacterial Disease

The greenness of leaves, the health of plants, the majority of diseases and pests can be managed by the Dashparni Ark. Along with this there is a reduction in the cost of improving the quality of the fruit and the cost of plant protection measures. Plants are protected against fungal and bacterial diseases like: – powdery mildew, Rust, Smut, Downy mildew etc. This mixture can be made easily by the farmers at home.

Materials for Dashparni Ark:

1. Gilloy, Ghanari, Dhatura, Neem, Kaner, Sitafal, Mahananda, Arand, Papaya leaves  2 kg

2. Cow dung 5 kg

3. Cow urine 5 liters

4. Water 100 liters

Preparation method: 

Phase 1:

Take leaves of the above plants 2 kg each in a tank and crush the leaves well. Mix 5 liters of cow urine in crushed leaves and then add 100 liters of water and 5 kg cow dung to this mixture. 

Phase 2:

Cover the above material with a jute sack or poly net for 21 days for the storage of fermentation and leave the tank.

Phase 3:

Filter the ingredients done after 21 days and use it.

Preparation time: 

21 days


6 months


1. Use this mixed mixture with 5 ml / liters of water for better results.

2. Sprinkle on plants at intervals of 10 days.

Poonam Singh 

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